Hello! If you’re reading this, you may be a former customer or perhaps someone looking for an artist to draw your own pet. Either way, thank you for finding me! I have put my pet sketching on hold while I devote my time to other pursuits. I’m still here, and I still draw pets, just not nearly as much as I used to. If you really like what you...
Read MoreUPDATE: I’m Still Accepting Orders
If you’ve been following The Pet Sketcher and wondering what happened to my posts (and even if you’re a newcomer), I just want to tell you that I’m still here but haven’t been sketching as much over the past 12 months or so. I started a new business creating custom maps which has taken up all of my time. Like The Pet Sketcher,...
Read MoreLIVE horse sketching in Kentucky!
I just returned from one day of quick sketching at the Boehringer Ingelheim tent at the 2019 Land Rover Kentucky Three Day Event. The response to my 10-min custom portraits was overwhelming! I am very appreciative to have been selected as their Guest Artist and was thrilled to witness the majesty and athleticism of the horses and riders I saw! Here are...
Read MoreGuest Artist at 2019 Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event!
I am honored to have been selected as a Guest Artist at a booth at this year’s Land Rover Kentucky Three Day Event! On Saturday April 27th I will be spot-sketching horses of various attendees when they stop by my booth. I am told I will only have 5-10 minutes per sketch…my typical graphite sketches take me around 20 hours! Wish me luck, and...
Read MoreHello, Charlie Belle!
My portrait of K9 Amir has been delivered and is being framed! Now I can begin my next project, this time it’s the lovely puppy Charlie Belle. I can’t wait to get...
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